Cold Laser Therapy
Treat your pain and chronic conditions with safe Laser therapy
Cold Laser Therapy is used to eliminate pain, reduce inflammation and accelerate tissue healing in order to treat a broad range of nerve, muscle and joint conditions.
At Brooklin Foot & Orthotic Clinic, we use Cold Laser Therapy to treat inflamed and injured tissue of the feet. Many patients notice an improvement in pain level after the first 6 sessions. More sessions of treatment can be performed as necessary.
How does Cold Laser Therapy work?
Cold Laser Therapy heals tissue ailments by injecting billions of photons of visible and invisible laser light deep into tissue structures. This energy promotes an increased blood flow to the area, thereby significantly accelerating the healing process in the damaged tissue and reducing pain in the body naturally.
To schedule an appointment or for more information regarding our foot care services, please call us at 905-425-3338 or fill out the below form, and we will get back to you ASAP.
Benefits of Cold Laser Therapy:
• Accelerate healing
• Reduce inflammation
• Eliminate pain
Examples Of Treatable Conditions of The Feet:
• Ankle Sprains
• Wounds
• And more
Are There Any Harmful Side Effects or Contraindications?
No, although the laser should not be shined directly into the eyes of anyone. Otherwise, no treatment over suspected tumors or cancer cells, over the thyroid, or on the abdomen of a pregnant woman.
Is there any pain during the treatment?
Contact us
Call Us
905-425-FEET (3338)
Our Location
16 Winchester Rd. E., Unit 3
Whitby, ON L1M 1B3
Ample parking available
Wheelchair accessible
Operation Hours
Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 10am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
The Brooklin Foot Clinic offers the following Chiropody Services to the Durham region, including Ajax, Brock, Brooklin,
Clarington, Oshawa, Pickering, Scugog, Uxbridge and Whitby.